Version 4 – 1 June 2023


Background of Millionaireasia Pte Ltd (MA) & Ms Millionaireasia (MsMA 2023)


1. Who is the organiser of MsMA 2023?
Millionaireasia is the organiser of MsMA 2023. Millionaireasia has more than 15 years of experience in the publication of magazines and as an event organiser, covering influential, prominent and high-net-worth individuals, including businesses, their philosophies, values and success factors.

2. What is the theme of MsMA 2023?
The theme of the competition is “Empower Women”.

3. What is the Slogan of MsMA 2023?
Women for women, Asians for Asia.


MsMA 2023 Competition

4. What are the competition criteria for MsMA 2023?
The qualifying criteria for each phase are in the Terms and Conditions of the application form:

5. Why are men not allowed to participate in MsMA 2023?
There may be a competition for MrMillionaireasia 2023 in October 2023. Currently, we focus on empowering woman, especially in their ability to influence.

6. Is MsMA 2023 a pageant show?
ABSOLUTELY NO! It is a Competition for ladies of ages above 18.

7. I am below the age of 18, can I participate in MsMA 2023?
MA, may at its sole discretion, approve your entry into the competition, provided that you meet MA’s additional requirements, including (but not limited to) consent from your parent / legal guardian.

8. Is this competition for amateur?
You may think that you are nobody and you can never win in this competition. Every one of us starts out as a nobody and becomes somebody. According to Peter Tan, one of the 3 Achilles heels of success is FEAR. And the antidote is Bravery. You must have the courage to step out today!

Criteria for participation in MsMA 2023

9. If I am not an Asian by ethnicity but residing in Asia, can I participate in this competition?

10. I am working full time now. Can I participate in the competition?
Yes. Depending on your work commitments, you may have to seek special arrangements in order to meet the schedule of the competition. If you become the Champion, depending on your commitments, you may need to make arrangements in order to perform your full-time obligations under the contract offered by MA (should you choose to accept and enter into it).

11. I am a student. Can I participate in the competition?
Yes, you are welcome to participate.

12. What is the number of contestants from each country?
There is no limit to the number of contestants from any country.

13. How many contestants will compete in MsMA 2023?
All successful applicants will participate in the quarter-final phase. Contestants with a minimum of 1,000 votes will proceed to the semi-final phase. The top 20 from the semi-final (with a minimum of 2,000 votes) will proceed to the final phase.

14. Is there a winner in each country or there is only a Champion in the competition?
There is only 1 Champion in the competition.

15. Do I have to travel to Singapore immediately to take part in the competition after I apply?
You will only need to attend in-person in Singapore for the finals and arrive by 22 November 2023. You may choose to participate in the quarter-finals and semi-finals (as applicable) wherever outside of Singapore you may be residing in.

16. What if I cannot get my travel visa to go to Singapore for the Finals?
If applicable, MA will send to you a letter of invitation which you may use to apply for travel visa. MA does not guarantee that you will be able to obtain your travel visa. If you fail to be in Singapore to attend the finals in-person, you will unfortunately be disqualified.

Registration for MsMA 2023

17. How can I register for the MsMA 2023 Competition?
You may apply if you are a female (based on official national identification), single or married, above the age of 18 (unless otherwise approved by MA), residing in Asia. Application fee is Singapore Dollar $100 (waived for the first 1,000 participants) and you can pay via the Millionaireasia website by 21 July 2023. As part of the application, MA will verify your identity on its platform and you will be required to submit one profile picture and 1-minute video featuring your personality.

18. Will the registration date be extended?
Subject to Millionaireasia’s discretion, the registration date may be extended.

19. When are the competition dates?
a. Phase 1: Application (14 February 2023 to 21 July 2023)
b. Phase 2: Quarter Final (15 March 2023 to 21 August 2023)
c. Phase 3: Semi Final (24 August 2023 to 9 October 2023)
d. Phase 4: Final (11 October 2023 to 28 November 2023)

The dates are subject to change, depending on conditions that MA consider at the relevant time to be in the best interests of the contestants and competition. MA will provide advance notice of any changes.

20. Is there an early bird registration discount?
Yes. The registration fee will be waived for the first 1,000 participants.

21. If I do not enter the semi-final or final phases, can I get a refund of my registration fee?

22. Why do I need to upload my photo and do my Know Your Client (KYC) for the registration?
The prize money is Singapore Dollar $1,00o,000. It is important that we identify you accurately and precisely at the time of registration, to avoid dispute. MA Web3 Marketplace Platform is utilising a third-party service provider,, as our KYC technology partner. is a data security company with compliance on regulatory standards like PCI DSS, HIPAA, and ISO 27001 that prescribe recommendations for protecting data and improving information security management in enterprises. Your uploaded KYC assets such as your ID images are processed directly on servers and are not stored on our servers and are purged upon successful KYC approvals. Singapore takes a serious view for breach of data security. MA is committed to protect your data.

23. Is it compulsory for me to follow the social media of MsMA 2023?
Yes, according to the T&C of the competition, all participants are required to follow MA’s Facebook ( and / or Instagram (

24. What do I have to do to be entitled to the waiver of registration fee after the early bird discount?
With effect from 29 May 2023, if you register for the Competition under a registration fee waiver, you are required to post your participation in MsMA 2023 on your social media platform and tag MA’s Facebook ( or MA’s Instagram (, together with the hashtag #MsMA2023 at least once per calendar week until the end of the Quarter Finals. This requirement ends when you have completed the sale of at least ten (10) Personality Videos. Any failure to meet this social media posting requirement may result in disqualification at MA’s discretion.

Reasons for participating in MsMA

25. Who should join MsMA 2023?
Ladies who advocate Empowering Women and believe that they possess the influential power should participate in the competition, to validate their capabilities, by riding the waves and knocking out other contestants, to emerge as the Champion of MsMA 2023. She can be an influential leader in the field of faith, associations, clubs, businesses, sales, councils, philanthropy, focused groups, public speakers, movements, and social media etc.

26. What are the main motives for me to join MsMA?
In addition to the S$1 million prize and the Introducer Scheme where participants get to earn commission during the Quarter Final stage, to empower the contestants, Millionaireasia will provide them with brand ambassadorship and movie casting opportunities. Tapping on Millionaireasia’s database and brand partners, contestants can apply to be a brand ambassador and gain regional exposure. Apart from those aforementioned, Millionaireasia has signed an MOU with ABS-CBN to produce an MsMA movie, and contestants can apply to be cast in the movie. The contestants are invited to apply for all or any one of the above.

Peter Tan and his invited guests will be delivering training on “Mindfulness” for the participants. Subsequently, there will be coaching by experienced entrepreneurs and millionaires.

Peter Tan and his invited guests will also be delivering training for the participants on “Sales Methodologies & Millionaire Mindset”, and providing free online and offline education in Singapore, Manila, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, beginning from May 2023. They will be able to gain access to e-books and videos created by Peter Tan, the Sales Godzilla.

The FoMo membership platform will empower women by allowing participants to tap on Millionaireasia’s wide network, and providing them with opportunities to chat, learn, share and grow within a safe and transparent environment. Contestants are able to pitch their Personality, Idea and Value videos to prominent personalities, successful businessmen and businesswomen, through the platform.

27. What does access to Millionaireasia’s network mean to me?
As it is always said, your network is your net worth. Being in the network of millionaires indirectly enhances your net worth. Start today.

28. What does reaching-out to the Millionaireasia data base mean to me?
According to Wikipedia, six degrees of separation is the idea that all people are six or fewer social connections away from each other. As a result, a chain of “friend of a friend” statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps. Reaching out to Millionaires and mingling with them brings you closer to becoming a millionaire.

29. How do I benefit from this competition as a contestant?
There are 4 main benefits of participating in this competition:
a. You will be able to leverage MA’s network and the competition platform to empower yourself and others around you.
b. As a contestant, you will receive 20% commission (net of any transaction costs) for your sales of personality video. It will be paid within 30 days from the end of quarter final of the competition, according to the terms and conditions.
c. You benefit from your participation as contestants will be given a free gifts at each stage:
i. Quarter Final. One-year free subscription for FoMo Silver membership.
ii. Semi Final. Neuro Activator Soundwave Chip.
iii. Final. Youthlocked.
d. They can register as an introducer and earn an income for introduction of participants or sales of personality videos for the competition, as well as passive income. If you are an introducer of your own video, you will receive an additional 10% introducer fees.

30. What is the Friends of Millionaireasia only (FoMo) membership?
The FoMo membership is probably the only social chat group that verifies the identity of its members. In a world of social media, most people do not know the identity of the person they chat with. In the FoMo platform, members’ identities and profile photos are verified. This provides a safe environment to communicate, learn, share and grow.

31. Who are the Mentors in the program?
MA seek to invite mentors for the competition. Their profile will be updated in the website.

Requirement & Prize Money of the Champion

32. When I am the Champion of MsMA 2023, does this mean I have to reside in Singapore during the contract terms?
No. You may perform your obligations under the services agreement from outside of Singapore. However, you must not be engaged in any other forms of full-time employment.

33. What makes up the prize money of Singapore Dollar $1 million?
It comes with a Singapore Dollar $200,000 cash prize and a 10-month exclusive contract of Singapore Dollar $800,000 with MA. Terms & Conditions apply:

Mechanics & Benefits of Voters

34. What is the maximum number of votes I can get from each supporter?
No Limit.

35. Can I vote for myself as a contestant?
No. If you purchase your video, it will not count as a vote.

36. How much does the Personality, Idea & Value video cost?
Each sale will represent a vote. The price for each video is Singapore Dollar $10, Singapore Dollar $20 and Singapore Dollar $30 respectively.

37. How do I buy the videos?
Simply click on the link provided by the contestant and pay through credit or debit card.

38. Are there any additional fees involved for the purchase of the videos?
No, all prices are as stated.

39. How many votes can I cast at most?
No limit.

40. Can I vote for different contestants?
Yes, of course.

41. Can I visit Singapore and meet the applicants?
There will be a meet-and-greet session during the Finals for voters to meet the finalists.

42. When the applicants that I vote for enter the semi-final or final phases, what benefits do I have?
There is no benefit extended to you. But I am sure you will be happy for the contestant whom you have voted for.

As an Introducer

43. Who can be an introducer?
Only a company or individuals who are above the age of 18 may be an introducer. For those below the age of 18, you must meet MA’s additional requirements, including (but not limited to) consent from your parent / legal guardian. You do NOT need to be a participant or voter to be an introducer. Simply sign up through the link below:

44. If I want to be an introducer, do I need to fill up the introducer request form?
Just click “Yes” to agree to the T&Cs in the platform to get your introducer code.

45. Can the application fee of Singapore Dollar $100 be waived for the applicants whom I bring in to sign up for MsMA 2023?
No, unless the applicant whom you bring in to sign up is within the first 1,000 participants.

46. Sample Illustrations of the Commission Structure for Introducer

47. What if I am the participant, as well as the introducer, of the personality video?
If you are the participant and also the introducer to the sales of the personality video, you are paid 20% commission and 10% introducer fees, a total of 30% of the sales of your personality video.

48. How do I know if I am paid accurately as an introducer?
As an introducer, in your MA Platform account, you will be able to check the commission you earn for all the personality videos which were sold by the contestants who were introduced by you.

Creation of Videos

49. Do the videos (Personality, Idea and Value) created by me for the competition belong to me?
No, all intellectual property rights belong to MA, under the terms and conditions.

50. Does MA help to publicise my videos?
Yes, through MA website, FoMo platform, traditional media, new media and social media. Most importantly, MA uses a network effect to promote you and your video’s visibility when you participate in this competition.

51. Will MA vet through the Videos, in each stage of competition?
MA may from time to time, vet through the videos. The terms and conditions of the competition require the contestant to post videos which are consistent with the personality (of the women), idea (to empower women) and value (for empowering women). MA reserves the rights to reject any video which are deemed to be inappropriate or inconsistent with the theme of empowering women.

52. Do I have to submit the video in my application in English only?
Not necessary, you can speak in your native language, with English sub-title (to reach out to international market).

53. When can I start marketing my personality video for the quarter final phase?
As soon as Millionaireasia has approved your application and sent you a confirmation email, you may start promoting your personality video. You do not need to wait till the start date of quarter final. Your video will be up at platform for sales to any voter.

54. How can I create a good video?
In the I-Gen & Gen Alpha, time is of the essence. In the next 15 seconds, it is crucial that your video can capture the attention of the viewers. If you want to create an excellent video, you should watch as many videos as possible and understand the current trends of videos that capture eyeballs to make viewers stay on to finish watching the video.
55. How can I create video that can sell?
Any voter will only buy your video with one of the two reasons below:
a. They like you. They like your personality, like what you say, like what you do, like your creativity, like your effort or simply like you. They like you to succeed. They can be your family or friends.
b. They benefit from you. From your video, they have learnt something and benefit from your video.

56. How do I upload the file without affecting the quality of Video?
You should not directly upload your video from camera to cloud. Instagrammers usually install a video optimizer app to reduce their file size but maintain quality. Refer to

57. Can you tell me more about the creation of Personality video?
The 1-minute Personality video is a filming of the contestant’s personal lifestyle. For example:
a. If her personality is lively, she may want to produce a video in sports attire, with a bright colour tone and fast music.
b. If her personality is musically inclined, she may want to produce a video with a concert setting and demonstrating her deposition.
c. If she is career minded, she may want to produce a video in professional attire with many skyscrapers in the background in the business district.
d. It should be a video that captures the attention of the Voters, amid other videos and get the support of the voters.
e. There is really no hard and fast rule to demonstrate one’s personality. Just be original, special and unique about yourself. Do not be constrained by the boundaries of your imagination, except, the video must be kept within 1 minute or less.
f. Video Structure:
1. 2sec – Introduction
2. 5sec – Self introduction
3. 30sec – Your Story (Who you were, who are you & do and who want to be?)
4. 10sec – Why MsMA?
5. 10sec – Call for action: Vote for me!
6. 3sec – Extra time!

58. Can you tell me more about the creation of Idea video?
The 2-minute Idea video is a filming of the contestant’s idea on how to empower woman. You may make reference to the Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nation namely: (1) No Poverty, (3) Good Health and Well-Being, (4) Quality Education & (17) Partnership for the goals for Empowering Women. You are free to express your voice in your video. For example
a. A video showing the needs to raise donation to feed the children of the world.
b. A video demonstrating to promote management of distress such as unemployment, raising children, rat race, and financial difficulties by women.
c. A video showing your participation in a charity project to promote education in the less developed country.
d. A video reflecting community works that bring people together – Women for women and Asians for Asia.
e. It should be a video that captures the attention of the Voters, amid other videos and get the support of the voters.
f. There is really no hard and fast rule to demonstrate one’s idea. Just be original, stay true to your belief and passionate about your idea. Do not be constrained by the boundaries of your imagination, except, the video must be kept within 2 minutes or less.

59. Can you tell me more about the creation of Value video?
The 3-minute Value video is a filming of the values behind the ideas on empowering women. To be a woman-of-influence in the society and to stand up for the voice you advocate. Women need a voice. Empowering is NOT a cliché; it must be practical and sustainable. No movement can be successful without the force of economic or financial consideration. Your idea must create value for the women in the society. For example
a. A video demonstrating how your idea on women participating in the workforce would reduce poverty and enhance GDP of the nation.
b. A video demonstrating how your idea can create value for both women and men to cope with their daily lives (natural disaster, communicable and non-communicable diseases, mental illnesses, and poverty etc.)
c. A video demonstrating the value of gender equality in work place and equal opportunities in career advancement.
d. It should be a video that capture the attention of the Voters, amid other videos and get the support of the voters.
e. There is really no hard and fast rule to demonstrate the value behind your idea. Just be realistic in propagating the value. Do not be constrained by the boundaries of your imagination, except, the video must be kept within 3 minutes or less.

The MA platform

60. Is the backend of the platform stable? I have experiences in many tech-project and some failed because the technology cannot meet the promise.
This is NOT a tech project. It is a platform to buy/sell the videos (Personality, Idea or Value), it is a simple e-commerce. The team has experiences doing projects with the Malaysia government. Moreover, in the event that the tech in the platform fails, it will NOT affect the competition.

61. How can I reach out to the organiser?
You can email us at or go through any of the social media chat (WhatsApp, WeChat, Kakao, Line).

Cancellation of MsMA 2023

62. What are the event protocols concerning covid-19?
The event will be conducted in accordance with the prevailing rules and guidelines.

63. Will there be a chance that MA cancel the MsMA 2023 competition?
MA reserves the right to cancel the competition at any time. However, it is not likely to do so. There are 2 situations in which the competition may be cancelled.
a. When Covid-19 or similar health alerts that is beyond MA’s control makes it impossible for the competition to continue.
b. When there are less than 100 contestants entering the semi-finals.

64. Will MsMA 2023 Competition be televised?
Maybe, this has not been confirmed.

65. Are body tattoos allowed?
Yes, it has nothing to do with the competition. It is not a pageant.

66. Are there unspoken rules?
No, all rules are in the terms and conditions.

Full details of the MsMillionaireasia 2023 competition are available here (

The official language for this competition is English.

Any translation from English to any other languages is purely for reference only. If there is any dispute as to the interpretation of any term or clause in any document, the English version shall govern.

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