Tips on Video Creation

Version 1- 7 May 2023

1. Send the question to the participant. (Sample Structure >>)
2. Answer the question attached here. (Sample Answers >>)
3. Set up a chat ChatGPT account
4. Copy the entire document to ChatGPT:
5. Select Model GPT-4
6. Paste the document on “Send a message”
7. Press enter. A story will be created. (Sample Story>>)
8. Copy the story and save as a word document
9. Go to
10. Under Choose file: insert the word document
11. Click Start
12. After processing, click download
13. Goto your desktop, under download, retrieve the mp3 file
14. Play the file. You will know how long the audio file
15. Edit the word document and go back to step till you get a 1-minute.
16. Ready to create the 1-minute video!

NB: Right click the “hyper link” to open the hyper link

  1. How can I create a good video?

In the I-Gen & Gen Alpha, time is of the essence. In the next 15 seconds, it is crucial that your video can capture the attention of the viewers. If you want to create an excellent video, you should watch as many videos as possible and understand the current trends of videos that capture eyeballs to make viewers stay on to finish watching the video.

  1. How can I create video that can sell?

Any voter will only buy your video with one of the two reasons below:

  • They like you. They like your personality, like what you say, like what you do, like your creativity, like your effort or simply like you. They like you to succeed. They can be your family or friends.
  • They benefit from you. From your video, they have learnt something and benefit from your video.
  1. Can you tell me more about the creation of Personality video?

The 1-minute Personality video is a filming of the contestant’s personal lifestyle. For example:

  • If her personality is lively, she may want to produce a video in sports attire, with a bright colour tone and fast music.
  • If her personality is musically inclined, she may want to produce a video with a concert setting and demonstrating her deposition.
  • If she is career minded, she may want to produce a video in professional attire with many skyscrapers in the background in the business district.
  • It should be a video that captures the attention of the Voters, amid other videos and get the support of the voters.
  • There is really no hard and fast rule to demonstrate one’s personality. Just be original, special and unique about yourself. Do not be constrained by the boundaries of your imagination, except, the video must be kept within 1 minute or less.
  1. Can you tell me more about the creation of Idea video?

The 2-minute idea video is a filming of the contestant’s idea on how to empower woman. You may make reference to the Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nation namely: (1) No Poverty, (3) Good Health and Well-Being, (4) Quality Education & (17) Partnership for the goals for Empowering Women. You are free to express your voice in your video. For example

  • A video showing the needs to raise donation to feed the children of the world.
  • A video demonstrating to promote management of distress such as unemployment, raising children, rat race, and financial difficulties by women.
  • A video showing your participation in a charity project to promote education in the less developed country.
  • A video reflecting community works that bring people together – Women for women and Asians for Asia.
  • It should be a video that captures the attention of the Voters, amid other videos and get the support of the voters.
  • There is really no hard and fast rule to demonstrate one’s idea. Just be original, stay true to your belief and passionate about your idea. Do not be constrained by the boundaries of your imagination, except, the video must be kept within 2 minutes or less.
  1. Can you tell me more about the creation of Value video?

The 3-minute value video is a filming of the values behind the ideas on empowering women. To be a woman-of-influence in the society and to stand up for the voice you advocate. Women need a voice. Empowering is NOT a cliché; it must be practical and sustainable. No movement can be successful without the force of economic or financial consideration. Your idea must create value for the women in the society. For example

  • A video demonstrating how your idea on women participating in the workforce would reduce poverty and enhance GDP of the nation.
  • A video demonstrating how your idea can create value for both women and men to cope with their daily lives (natural disaster, communicable and non-communicable diseases, mental illnesses, and poverty etc.)
  • A video demonstrating the value of gender equality in work place and equal opportunities in career advancement.
  • It should be a video that capture the attention of the Voters, amid other videos and get the support of the voters.
  • There is really no hard and fast rule to demonstrate the value behind your idea. Just be realistic in propagating the value. Do not be constrained by the boundaries of your imagination, except, the video must be kept within 3 minutes or less.

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