Below is a Sample Structure. You may skip this section and go straight to Sample Answers >> or Sample Story >>

Sample Structure

Generating the story using the first person…

1. Tell us where you are from?

2. What was your environment as a child?

3. Was female being discriminated?

4. Your relationship with your mum?

5. What lessons you learnt when you were a little child?

6. Describe your growing-up years?

7. Was education an important part of your childhood life, or did you focus more on making ends meet to support your family?

8. Any woman you met that shape you?
9. Who has shaped your life?

10. Going up years, your difficulties, as a woman?

11. What has happened that change your view about life, about women?

12. Your view on poverty?

13. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, what’s your view?

14. Why do you participate in MsMA 2023? For money, fame, a voice for women or? And why?

15. Is wealth important to you? Or for somebody else?

16. Wealth or opportunity, which is more important and why?

17. Are you able to break away from the wealth trap or financial prison?

18. As a woman, how would you think you can contribute to your family, your community and your country?

19. As a woman is economic, financial or social issues are of importance to you?

20. As a woman, is a voice (a listening ear to your opinion) meant anything to you?

21. As a woman, your value of your time, achievement, voice, opinions, status.

22. A woman is always seen as able to juggle personal and professional life. How do you spend time on yourself, to take care of your personal health and well-being?

You can add any questions as you like. Obviously, the answers would be more than 1 minute. But it will shape your Semi-final and Final videos. In this way, you will be consistent with your answer as you progress throughout your competition.

Sample Answers

Generating the story using the first person…

1. Tell us where you are from? 

2. What was your environment as a child? 

Little village with no shelter
3. Was female being discriminated? 

4. Your relationship with your mum? 

Excellent. She works hard
5. What lessons you learnt when you were a little child? 

Importance of money
6. Describe your growing-up years? 

Tough, little money, little food
7. Was education an important part of your childhood life, or did you focus more on making ends meet to support your family? 

Yes, but education is not readily available
8. Any woman you met that shape you? 

Mrs Woodworth. My teacher, who unconditionally help the poor
9. Who has shaped your life? 

Mother, she taught me integrity
10. Going up years, your difficulties, as a woman? 

Learn to struggle with life with little money
11. What has happened that change your view about life, about women? 

When I enter the fashion industry and becomes an entrepreneur, small business
12. Your view on poverty? 

Money can not makes me happy but without it, it is difficult to be happy
13. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, what’s your view?
14. Why MsMA2023? For money, fame, a voice for women or? And why? 

I want to be rich and famous, for the sake of my mother

15. Is wealth important to you? Or for somebody else? 

Wealth is important to me and my family and my future family
16. Wealth or opportunity, which is more important and why? 

Opportunity is more important. With opportunities, I can create more wealth
17. Are you able to break away from the wealth trap or financial prison? 

Currently, No. I am stuck
18. As a woman, is a voice (a listening ear to your opinion) meant anything to you? 

Yes, I feel that woman should have a voice and should be given more role in society
19. As a woman, how would you think you can contribute to your family, your community and your country? 

Yes, I want to bring wealth to my loved ones
20. As a woman is economic, financial or social issues are of importance to you? 

All are equally important
21. As a woman, your value of your time, achievement, voice, opinions, status. 

To me, achievement comes first, then money, then fame
22. A woman is always seen as able to juggle personal and professional life. Do you think it’s important that she spends time on herself, to take care of her personal health and well-being? 

Yes, well being is equally important
23. How do you take care of your personal health and well-being? 

I take time to exercise everyday, both physically and mentally


You can add any questions as you like. Obviously, the answers would be more than 1 minute. But it will shape your Semi-final and Final videos. In this way, you will be consistent with your answer as you progress throughout your competition.

Sample Story (by ChatGPT)

I was born and raised in Bangkok, in a little village with no proper shelter. Growing up as a child, my environment was tough, with little money and food to go around. As a female, I faced discrimination, but my relationship with my mother was excellent. She worked hard to support our family, and I learned the importance of money at a young age.

Education was important in my childhood, but it wasn’t always readily available. Despite the challenges, I was fortunate to meet a woman who shaped my life – Mrs. Woodworth, my teacher. She unconditionally helped the poor and taught me the value of compassion. My mother also played a significant role in shaping my life, teaching me integrity.

As a woman, I faced difficulties during my growing-up years, learning to struggle with life and limited resources. My views on life and women changed when I entered the fashion industry and became an entrepreneur, running a small business. I realized that money couldn’t make me happy, but without it, happiness was difficult to find.

In my opinion, the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer is a result of systemic issues that need to be addressed. That’s why I chose to participate in MsMA 2023 – I wanted to be rich and famous, not for my own sake, but for my mother, who has always supported me. Wealth is important to me and my family, but I believe that opportunities are even more crucial. With opportunities, I can create more wealth and break away from the financial prison I currently feel trapped in.

As a woman, I think it’s essential to have a voice and be given more significant roles in society. I want to contribute to my family, my community, and my country by bringing wealth and prosperity to my loved ones. Economic, financial, and social issues are all equally important to me, and I prioritize achievements, then money, and then fame.

I believe that women should take care of their personal health and well-being, as it is vital to juggle both personal and professional life. I take time to exercise every day, focusing on both physical and mental health. By doing so, I can continue to grow and make a difference in the world, while also caring for myself and my loved ones.

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